TCM1603: Chapter Quiz--Description

Answer the questions in this quiz to see how well you've read and understood the chapter headings. Feel free to link back and forth between the chapter on descriptions and this quiz to check your answers.

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  1. In the online textbook, the term description is used to mean:
    A discussion of the physical characteristics of an object, mechanism, place, or organism
    An account of how something works or happens--the events in that process
    An explanation of what a potentially unfamiliar term means

  2. Take a look at the following paragraphs. Which is the best examples of a description?

  3. As explained in the online textbook, one common way to organize a description is to:
    Divide the thing being described into steps, phases, periods of time and describe each one separately.

    Divide the thing being described into parts, components, or characteristics and describe each one separately.

  4. In the online textbook, the materials used to describe the thing are called:
    Sources of definition
    Short definitions
    Formal sentence definitions
    Sources of description

    The next questions are based on the following extended definition:

  5. Which of the following words is entire paragraph devoted to describing?

  6. What type of writing dominates the sentence beginning with ""?

  7. What type of writing dominates the sentence beginning with ""?

  8. The paragraph provides short definitions for which of the following sets of words?

  9. In the introduction to a description, the textbook recommends including which of the following (there is more than one answer):
    Defining, or at least clearly identifying the thing about to be described.
    Providing an overview list of the parts or characteristics that will be described.
    Providing an overview list of the steps, phases, or time periods that will be described.
    Explaining, step by step, how the thing is used.
    Giving a general description of the thing about to be described.
    Indicating the audience for whom the description is written.
    Describing in detail each of the parts or components of thing.

  10. :

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